*Pre-Order* - Expected to ship with the F-14D kit in June.
The F-14B VF-103 add-on pack is ONLY available to those who purchase the full F-14D VF-2 kit and is limited to ONE total add-on per kit purchased. If you do not purchase the full kit your order will be cancelled and you will be charged a restocking fee.
~ 100 printed elements (a complete set of printed parts for the model)
- Printed canopies
- Two special edition pilot minifigures from The Minifig Co
This add-on includes two special edition pilot figures and all the printed parts needed to create this jet. It will NOT provide any of the unprinted bricks you need to build a full jet!
The .XML file which will allow you to source the pieces will be made available through the links at the bottom of our website 30 days after the F-14 kits ship.
*Prototype shown may be subject to revision. There are numerous additional graphics that still need to be added to the renders shown.*